Linking the JDGs and SDJs
In Canada, the Action Committee adopted its nine Justice Development Goals in 2010 after working collaboratively with people across the country to examine how to advance A2J. These 9 JDGs map out a path to improve A2J that everyone, whatever they are doing, can use to align their work. Whether you are an individual working to make a local service meet needs, or a government responsible for funding decisions, we can each see how our actions can advance A2J. And using these goals, we can work to advance A2J in a way that aligns with each other’s work, is driving towards a more inclusive and accessible system.
The JDGs advance a number of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 16: Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies for All.
See how the SDGs and the JDGs align with local activities here and en français ici.
Each year the Action Committee tracks this progress, measuring what has been done, sharing ideas for new models or innovations and connecting people working on A2J. This report, based on a survey done each December, is a chance for people working anywhere in the country, to share their ideas and have their efforts counted.