GOAL 7. Innovate

Innovation is happening all around us, all the time. The way we use the bank, get medical treatment and interact with each other is evolving, through technology and through culture change. The legal system needs to keep up. 

We believe we can keep the core principles of justice safe... and maybe make them safer... while taking advantage of new technology, new service-delivery models and, most importantly, new thinking that puts people at the centre of processes.

2022 Progress

In 2022, innovation initiatives focused on the use, regulation, and impact of artificial intelligence and automated decision-making on A2J. 2022 also saw an increase in the scope of services historically performed by lawyers that paralegals and other advocates may now provide in justice systems.

7.1 Keep track of what is working
Create a culture of innovation in the justice system by focusing on new ideas and learning about successes and failures

7.2 Share good ideas
Promote the sharing of new models, ideas and successes to expand the impact of innovation


6. Build capability


8. Analyze and learn